Sponsorship - Our Northland Community

We like to be involved with our local community in Hikurangi. We are involved with a number of local organizations including Friendship House, Hikurangi Business Association and we even sponsored a local race group called Cornfed Racing who you might see competing at the Whangarei Speedway.


Hikurangi Friendship House Charitable Trust was formed in 1983 and became a Charitable Trust in 1989 by locals working in the interest of our Community.

We purchased the Old Post Office Building in 1992 (with the help of the ASB) and after a lot of hard work we moved our Community Library into this in 1993, with a lot of volunteer help we are still running the Community Library today.

We manage the Hikurangi War Memorial Hall for hire. We Publish the monthly Hikurangi Bulletin, Liaise with the Whangarei District Council and Library, Drop in Centre, involved with Civil Defence and an Information Centre. We work with the Hikurangi Mountain Lions to help organize the Christmas Carnival.


The Hikurangi Business Association exists to promote and support business and community groups in the Hikurangi region, which includes the Hikurangi Township as well as the wider community including Hukerenui, Towai and the coastal areas of Whananaki and Helena Bay.

 The Hikurangi Business Association was formed in 2007 as a forum for local businesses to learn and support each other. HBA is a means of collectively understanding issues around Hikurangi and lobby for solutions.

Click here if you wish to join, require more information and/or wish to promote your organisation.


Cornfed Racing is a group of local amateur speedway racers. We started off sponsoring one car and now there is 2 almost 3 and many of our staff also take part on race day.